We've started to see some signs for 45 around here. Mostly on public roads in the median - where everyone always puts signs for the candidates. The message was incredibly ironic - it said " Trump = secure border/Kamala = open border" It's ironic for the fact that the town I live in is 61% Asian & rising. I live next door to a cricket field that entertains Major League Cricket & makes our town a lot of bucks! So yeah - immigration here isn't the call to arms it might be in say...Texas. Every time I read one - I think - "Know your audience - you dumb shits." So I leave the signs & smile to myself because if you wanted to piss of a community of immigrants - that phrase on that sign was pure gold.
Also - as a woman - read rabid feminist crone they warned you about - the fact that they used her first name is INCREDiBLY insulting to all. the. women around here. Bigot & misogynist - but many of us already knew that. The GOP is incapable of showing any kind of respect to any of us.