Member-only story
Or is it?
I hit a wall of emotion this week that stopped me dead in my tracks. I could not do what I needed to do because it hurt too much.
Let me tell you something — this has never happened to me before. Ever.
Not through all the losses in the whole of My Life have I ever turned away from whatever I was asked to do or told to face.
Not. Once.
A Warrior never runs. Never hides. Never shirks their responsibility. They just adjust their armor, pick up their sword and move forward.
I used to look at the men and women ‘who just couldn’t’ and sigh. Then, I would do whatever needed doing. Because someone had to.
I knew on some level I wasn’t invincible — no one is — but I was “more vincible” than anyone else around me. More responsible. More capable. More logical. More together. More armored. And more fucking better in a crisis than any ten Humans in whatever room I happened to be standing in.
And completely without a vulnerable cell in my body.
A friend told me today letting down our shields in Life and feeling our pain — losing everything — shows us who we really are. Letting go of being ‘vincible’, embracing our Humanness — even when it breaks us a little — makes us More.