Member-only story
I’m changing. Again? Still? Who knows? But as I’ve grown older — I’ve gotten more in touch with who I really am — Real Ann. And I can feel the bits and pieces of Her when She morphs — sheds Her old skin — and Becomes.
I sold my motorcycle this week. Just a few short months ago — I would never even have considered A Life Without A Motorcycle. But now — I realize I may not replace it, even though selling the old to buy a newer one had been the original plan.
I’m minimalizing my entire house. Room by room, drawer by drawer, cupboard by cupboard. The only stuff which gets to stay has to be useful or loved. I’m looking at all the shit on the tippy top shelves — things I haven’t touched in all the nine years I’ve lived here — what are the chances I’m going to want or need stuff I don’t even know I own?
My feathers have been a lot harder to ruffle as well these days. Perhaps walking closer with Her has helped. Or maybe just living long enough — you get tired and start saving yourself for the battles you can win. Or maybe you stop giving fucks about shit you know you just can’t fix. Endemic to Humanity shit like all the fucking ‘isms’ which the young souls inflict upon us as they toddle their way through each manifestation.
Because truly — some of these people behave no better than two-year-olds — with their tantrums, their biases, their…