The larger lesson isn’t so much about the dance women do when we’re dancing — but the dance we have to do every day when we are not in the arms of a ‘leader’. Even though it may seem as though the steps come easy — they do not. The privilege of men to ‘lead’ and the assumption that women will ‘follow’ has been the basis for many attitudes that have held women back throughout history. I have 2 daughters & 3 granddaughters. My wish for them is simple — I wish for them to create their own ‘dances’ and chose their own partners and that society will accept their wild and see them as complete Humans capable of dancing barefooted and free to move as they see fit — without the need of a ‘leader’ beyond their own inner knowing. Being ‘technically in charge’ doesn’t work for me or for mine. We get to ACTUALLY be in charge of our own dances. Our own lives.