The Irishman died in December of 2020. His funeral was for immediate family only. No friends allowed because of the restrictions COVID placed on gatherings. All his friends mourned him — alone — in our own homes. For me that meant being in NC while his funeral went on in NJ with less than a dozen in attendance. No chance to gather with others who loved him & to say that last goodbye. I didn’t want my family & friends to have to go through grief in isolation as I had done. His mother’s funeral & the memorial of my former husband were well attended. The stories shared about the moments of their lives bound us all together in our loss. When you stand shoulder to shoulder with others & we are all crying — passing tissue boxes out among the crowd, you know you are not alone. And that is what makes a memorial or funeral worth attending.
I’m so pleased you enjoyed the piece. It was cathartic to write. Thank you for your support. I greatly appreciated it. Have a wonderful day! ❤