Thank you so much, Jan. Your kind words have touched me deeply. The EMDR is working beautifully — the fact that I could even write about my anxiety was huge. I have found myself less triggered as the therapy has progressed. I still have bouts of anxiety here & there — but no full-blown panic attacks. So yes, maybe there is a road past anxiety. I have hope.
My daughter tells me that kids need stuff in their lives to overcome — it teaches them resilency. And while those lessons are really hard for all involved, in the end, like the butterfly who struggles out of it’s cocoon — it makes them stronger. But my grandmother’s heart wants to spare them even the smallest of boo-boos. I suppose that’s our job, to be the soft place they can land — no matter what.
I can’t even tell you what your words mean to me. Thank you so much for your support — not just the reading of the pieces support — All. The. Support you so generously give.
Have a wonderful weekend!
PS — I voted yesterday & the crowds were huge. I haven’t seen that kind of turn out since Obama ran. So — I remain hopeful.