Member-only story
Have you noticed this?
It’s damn difficult to encourage a Human to focus on The Lesson when all they are interested in is The Drama.
Humans want the gory details. They eat them up like a delicacy. They put the best parts on replay and savor them over and over again. They get a second hand high from other people’s pain. It’s so common, it’s been identified by the medical community — we call it Secondary Gain. For whatever reason — the family member needs the patient to stay sick or in pain. Some Humans go so far as to inflict pain and illness upon another Human under their care. This condition has a psychiatric diagnosis — it’s called Munchausen By Proxy and is a recognized form of child abuse.
As nurses we are trained to keep bringing Humans back to Reality. Good, bad, or someplace in between.
For me — as an observer in My Own Life — The Lessons I’ve learned have taught me Life is hardly ever as traumatic as it feels. Anxiety from past traumas and Fear of the future wind their way into My Now and distort every single view. Life becomes an ever-changing Kaleidoscope when Anxiety and Fear are allowed free reign.
More so if I allow All. The. Things. from other Human’s stories to also seep into My Now. If I listen to the news. If I absorb Drama/Trauma from the people around me. If I internalize every worst-case…