Organ preservation has come a long way. I worked at a teaching hospital for all of my career. The transplant surgeons here helped to develop modules and pumps that help to extend the health of the organ even with extended ‘warm time’ prior to procurement.
In NC, there are no assisted dying options for patients. Although, to be fair, many patients who have the medical conditions that lead them to consider assisted dying are not eligible to donate due to those same medical conditions.
As a transplant coordinator, I found most of our donors were victims of accidents or strokes.
In NC, I would be happy to see an assisted dying law enacted. Along with organ donation being an opt-out instead of opt-in system. Spain has the opt-out system where everyone is considered consenting to be a donor unless they put it in writing that they opt-out of donation.
Thank you for taking the time to read the piece & respond with such great insights. I really appreciate it. Many blessings!