One day — we look in the mirror — and we see a friend looking back. Not the enemy. She whom we have manipulated our entire Life to be/look/feel differently — we finally just Love Her as She stands. And what Freedom is that? I have completely put away my jeans. I can’t even tell you if they fit any more. I don’t ride — so there’s no need for them. I have office casual for work and the rest of the time I live in yoga pants or leggings. Let me tell you — God So Loved The World — She gave us Leggings my Friend. My 10# is distributed rather nicely when the waistband of a pair jeans isn’t turning it into a muffin top. My curves look rather glorious. ;)
Besides — no one ever really gets past my hair and my smile to notice what the rest of me looks like. Because that’s the other thing you got spot on — Laughter, Joy, and Happiness are the best accessories a woman can put on.
Great read as always! I just finished my edition of The Secret Life of Fat and it was incredibly enlightening.