Member-only story
Doesn’t Mean You Should.
On Friday North Carolina officially entered Phase 2 of its reopening plan. And before anyone out there loses their shit on me — let me just say — I understand completely. People need to go back to work. No one can survive on the pittance unemployment wages this state hands out. Even IF you were ‘lucky’ enough to qualify and receive it. One of my best friends told me last night — her small business did not qualify her for unemployment but she did apply for another program which she would get a max of $132/week. She owns her own massage therapy business. She can make more than that giving one 90 minute massage. It’s a complete insult. Oh — and even though she applied in March — her application is still “under review” and she hasn’t actually been approved or received a dime.
So I get it. No one can survive on what the government is offering. It’s a fucking slap in the face as they live in their mansions with full healthcare and staff and housekeepers and drivers and valets and shit.
However, this is what few Humans have considered. Stay with me for a second before you get all bent out of shape, promise me — okay?
Who is going to go out to the open businesses?
I’m thinking perhaps some of those bored and brave under-thirty-year-olds. Those immortal souls among us who have had it up…