I love to travel — it’s true. I feel completely undone if I don’t wander. My Sagittarius nature at work? Who knows? But — the stimulation of the travel itself is what I seek. I have learned things about myself — I have learned to be brave — because I travel. All the things/situations/interactions I am not afraid of. For a Human with a nearly life-long anxiety disorder — that is HUGE. As you said as well — you find the similarities in all of Earth’s creatures and it becomes harder to tolerate bigotry. In any form. But the truest adventure comes in the days after — when you are home. When you realize your journey is still continuing. You are diving deep into your own soul. Traveling opens some sort of hidden door — you wander around your inner self more often and seek only what serves your higher self. I love this sentence. The truth of it is profound — for we take our Shadow selves with us always. It is always interesting when we meet them face to face and embrace them.