I love that line — You write in blood. It takes courage to bare your soul. All. The. Things. that made you who you are at this moment in time. When you strike those notes — people pay attention. They can literally hear the authenticity of your pieces.
If you write fiction — it’s the twists the turns — Steven King gets kudos because he travels where everyone else fears. His darkness is legend and people go there to get a glimpse. I — myself — well, my darkness can match his — so I’ve never been a fan of any horror genre. I need fantasy fiction to draw me away from my darkness — not to dig me in deeper. J.R.R. Tolkien & his ilk of wizards and other worlds for me.
But reading is subjective. People like what they like.
Writing is what we need to do. I think most of us don’t give damn if it’s ‘good’ or not to other people. We can read our own words and know — This is the tone — the vibe — the chord I needed to send out. And I did it for me.
You are authentic. And that is the very best compliment I can give. Because I feel that is the very best compliment I have ever recieved. ❤