I have used the Down Dog app during the pandemic as I already had a home practice but as you said — needed the accountability of an instructor. Otherwise I would never choose asanas that are difficult or uncomfortable but exactly the ones I need to open more.
I went back to my studio this week for a small class which was discussion only regarding Happiness. The sacred space welcomed me back and I collected THREE hugs. A new personal best. And I did it with the trepidation of a captive lion who steps out of their cage onto grass for the first time in their life — but then ends up rolling around in the new found pleasure and magik of the stuff.
I think that is rather brilliant if one has the resources to rent out space for a private lesson. Caring for each other & focusing on what makes our lives worth getting out of bed for — then supporting that is a huge lesson of COVID.
Thank you for reading & for sharing your insights. I deeply appreciate it. Many blessings.