I had never heard of a sinking fund before reading your article. I've saved a fair bit of money into what I call my "rainy day" fund. I've never had the resources to think & plan ahead like that in my work-a-day life. Saving for retirement, putting kids through college, etc. were at the top of the priority list. When things broke - I had many low-cost financing options that would fit my budget & not break the bank. Example: When I bought my hearing aids, I applied for their zero interest payment plan through Wells Fargo. Same when I replaced my HVAC a few years back. Saving is important, however, not everyone has the available resources to set up multiple jars to accommodate All. The. Things. Because Life happens. I think this is good advice, none the less, especially now - in retirement- I have adequate resources to accommodate this type of savings option. Thanks so much - as always - for sharing your wisdom, Mel. :) Have a wonderful holiday!