I find this observation to be the foundation of the largest dose of hypocrisy available to the American People. The GOP & anyone with right wing leanings scream regarding the violation of their rights if vaccine mandates are allowed to go forward. However, women & children raped and forced into motherhood traumatically MUST carry a pregnancy to term. Not 9 seconds of discomfort but a life altering & health jeopardizing 3/4 of a year of agony.
My solution is simple. American Women should just stop having sex with men. Period - under all circumstance. We have alternative means for gaining pleasure AND there probably enough donated sperm in sperm banks in the world to repopulate the country.
Viagra would become unnecessary and old men would certainly not be getting laid. I assume that alone would change the political climate of the country. But what do I know? I'm just an old woman who is about to be burned at the stake.
Great piece James. Sadly - with way too much truth in it.