I draw my pension from NC Teachers & State Employees pension fund. I also collect SS. The pension is generous enough that I end up paying income tax on the SS. But then, between the both - I'm quite comfortable so I don't mind. I would think you should be able to draw both as the maximum combined income when SS benefits become taxable to the IRS is $25K/year for single people. And then they will only tax 50-85% of your SS. I fall into the 85% bracket. But, certainly $400/month doesn't equal that. Here's the link to SS website where the maximums are found. https://www.ssa.gov/benefits/retirement/planner/taxes.html#:~:text=between%20%2425%2C000%20and%20%2434%2C000%2C%20you,your%20benefits%20may%20be%20taxable.