I agree. Even when I look back on the time in My Life before my daughter’s diagnosis or before my mother died — The Pot Of Gold Days — when I felt the safest and the most contentment — I also felt bouts of anxiety and had other issues running in the background. Somehow though — The Movie In My Mind edits much out. The story I tell myself. We all tell ourselves. It’s Our Story — we get to write it any way we want.
My Once Upon A Time…well, I’m going for the Joy everyday. There doesn’t have to be a Happy Ending — because there is a Happy Beginning and Middle. I don’t want to wait for the end to claim My Happiness.
It makes me happy to know you have this outlook. We get back what we give. Always. I know — I’ve also been pissed off enough to realize — that is what I will get back as well. :)
Have a most wonderful Friday Dear Kerry! As always — thank you so much for reading & responding. I appreciate you so very much. ❤