I actually AM thankful every time I pee or shit. As a nurse — I marvel at my body that functions with such ease. And I am grateful every single time. I also bless road kill when I drive by it and areas where they have clear cut trees to build new homes…and have ever since I was a kid.
I’ve always had a thing about trees.
Work was hard yesterday. One of my surgeons really doesn’t like me at all. It’s the anchovie thing. He is not an anchovie guy. Nothing I ever do will be enough for him to become an anchovie guy. It’s about him. It’s his baggage. I felt bad for him for a bit. Till last night. He was a complete jerk to me. Publically. It was liberating because I didn’t deserve it. And now I’m free. Nothing I do will ever be ok with him. So — I will stop trying and just be myself. Since he’s not going to like me anyway. :)
I will embrace my anchovie-ness to it’s fullest. ❤ Thanks so much for the pep talk. You always post just the right stuff. ❤