At 62, I have discovered the key is to just keep moving. It matters not what you choose to do. Personally, I've always hated the gym - so I do other stuff. Since I enjoy the activities, I look forward to movement. I have also accepted the fact that those 10 pounds I've fought with all my life after I became a mother aren't going any where. I watch what I eat simply to make sure I get enough of the proper nutrients my body needs. Calories are not a consideration any more. I'm never gonna be a size 10 again. And truthfully, when I was - I got sick a lot. I figure at this stage - my bones could use a bit extra 'weight bearing' to stay strong and it's ok that those 10 pounds ramped up to 25. Take good care of yourself. Menopause is transformation - in every single way. We're not the same women after as we were before. And it's not so bad - I love never having to think about my hormones again! :)