As a nurse who has attended the death of more Humans than I can remember - I have to admit to ambiguity on this issue. There are many shades of gray at the end of life. Including who gets to make the decision to go forward with assisted suicide- especially in the case of a loved one who is unable to give consent at the time. Where is the line? Who decides? Next of kin - who may profit from the patient's death? A physician - who is trained that Death is the enemy? A court - who has no skin in the game, but will happily collect court costs. I've had to put down a few pets and even making that decision for a pet left me devasted. To have to actively choose death - I can't imagine making that kind of decision for a human I loved. The guilt along with the grief would be unbearable.
We all will experience the same end game. Death comes for us all. But perhaps we should be investing in the care of our elders instead of passing laws which simply allow them to disappear? Perhaps Medicare should expand so there is federal oversight? Perhaps this is the easy button & that's why Florida is pushing it.
Just some Food For Thought.