Ann Litts
1 min readJul 4, 2018


Annie — my dear — the Turquois will help. The therapy will help — if you missed it on other posts — I’m a veteran of over 7 years with my guy before he finally threw me out — although I still go in for tune ups as needed. And my voices are still there — but managable — most days. The Inner Critic is the voice I heard most from my childhood.

But I can turn to her and say — Fuck you bitch. I am worthy. Thanks to that therapist. And the people who love me which The Universe sent into my world as an adult. My family of origin was no less screwed up than the next person’s. I promise you. I remember looking around when I was a kid and knowing the adults in my world were not right. Staying away as much as I could and counting the days until I eloped. My husband & I built a better family than we both came from even as just teenagers. 18 & 19 when we got married.

You can get there too. Grab your Tribe — your cheerleaders and don’t be afraid to believe them when they believe in you. Your mother was wrong. SHE was the disappointment. Not you. You are kind. You are smart. You are important.

Just in case no one told you today. If you ever need me to say it again… you know where to find me. I will keep saying it until you believe me. ❤

