Member-only story
“A lot of people have the wrong idea about me and I’m not in the state of explaining it to them.” — Chandilyan
When you are introduced to a new Human — people tend to let you know All. The. Things. that they are. All their ‘Tags”.
Marital Status. Career. Residence. Favorite Sports Team. Alma Mater.
Everyone has a Tag. Or two or five.
We like to think of ourselves in terms of ‘Who We Are’ Tags and we avoid ‘Who We Are Not’ Tags as much as we can. But even Ye Olde Catholic Church recognizes lies by omission are still sins worthy of trotting you ass into a confessional.
Who I am and Who I am not — both sides of My Yin/Yang Being forms the framework of Real Ann. So it is with all Humans. And as with all of Life — it is a fluid process — changing from moment to moment as we grow/learn/regress/regrow.
Each Moment holds an opportunity to seek Our Balance. Each Moment holds an opportunity to express Our Real Selves. Each Moment holds an opportunity to find out Who We Are and Who We Are Not.
We are not — nor ever have to be — our parents’ expectations.
We are not — nor ever have to be — saviors to those who insist on drowning.
We are not — nor ever have to be — martyrs to hopeless causes.